Świat da mi więcej (tyt. org. What More Is Out There) — piosenka z filmu My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Igrzyska Przyjaźni. Po raz pierwszy można ją było usłyszeć w całości na soundtracku do filmu wypuszczonym 18 września 2015 roku. Jak widać z usuniętej sceny, ta piosenka miała być pierwotnie duetem Sci-Twi oraz Sunset Shimmer. Wersy Sunset Shimmer są na temat jej tęsknoty za Equestrią.
Tekst (wersja polska)[]
- [Sci-Twi]
- Korytarz każdy dobrze znam
- Każdą salę w swej pamięci mam, o-o-o
- Przez proces edukacji prężnie szłam
- Najlepsza w klasie, istny wzór
- Średnia co najmniej pięć i pół
- To chyba znaczy, że stąd odejść mam
- Wiem, że świat da mi więcej
- Choć sama nie wiem jeszcze co
- Wiem, że świat da mi więcej
- I poznam drugą ze swych stron
- Choć w szkole tłum, mnie z nikim
- Nie trzyma żadna więź
- Wciąż myślą o zwycięstwie
- Patrząc na mnie jak na gęś
- Szkolny porzucę dzisiaj kram
- Lecz czy znajdę, co znaleźć chcę
- Jeżeli sama szukać mam?
- Wiem, że świat da mi więcej
- Choć sama nie wiem jeszcze co
- Wiem, że świat da mi więcej
- Więc obawy chowam w kąt
- W tej szkole wiele się nauczyłam
- I nie odradzam wcale jej
- Lecz wiem, że za jej progami
- Odnajdę wreszcie to, co chcę
- Ja pośród tych cudownych ścian
- Odkryłam wszak wielkiej wiedzy skarb
- Lecz czuję, że coś wzywa mnie
- Co tajemnicą jest
- Poznam sekret ten
- Wiem, że świat dać może więcej
- Wciąż nie wiem co i nie wiem gdzie
- Wiem, że świat dać może więcej
- Lecz dowiem tego się!
- Dowiem tego się
Tekst (wersja angielska)[]
- [Sci-Twi]
- I've walked through all these halls before
- I've been in and out of every door, oh whoa oh
- There's nothing in this school that I don't know
- In every class, my grade's the best
- The highest score on every test
- I think that means it's time for me to go
- I know there's more that's out there
- And I just haven't found it yet
- I know there's more that's out there
- Another me I haven't met
- This school is full of people
- But still I don't belong
- They only dream of winning
- Look at me like something's wrong
- Maybe I'm better off alone
- Will I find what I'm looking for
- If I just do it on my own?
- I know there's more that's out there
- Something to fill this hole inside
- I know there's more that's out there
- And I'm not afraid to try
- There's only so much this school can offer
- And I'm not saying that it's wrong
- But I know there's more that's out there
- 'Cause I've been searching all along
- Beyond these rooms, beyond these walls
- So much to learn, I can't see it all
- There's something out there calling me
- And it's a mystery
- That I can't wait to see
- 'Cause I know there's more that's out there
- Another place another way
- And I know there's more that's out there
- And I'll find out someday!
- I'll find out someday
Wersja alternatywna[]
- [Sci-Twi]
- I've walked through all these halls before
- I've been in and out of every door, oh-whoa-oh
- There's nothin' in this school that I don't know
- In every class, my grade's the best
- The highest score on every test
- I think that means it's time for me to go
- I know there's more that's out there
- And I just haven't found it yet
- I know there's more that's out there
- Another me I haven't met
- [Sunset Shimmer]
- Everyone here likes who I am
- And it's not from a magic spell's command, whoa-oh
- My friends look past the things I've done before
- But still I miss those quests
- The mythic creatures, magic tests
- High school's great, sure, but who am I anymore?
- [Sci-Twi]
- It's not that I'm ungrateful or trying to succeed
- But there's something left still missing, something that I need
- [Sunset Shimmer]
- I know there's more that's out there
- Maybe folks that need my help
- I know there's more that's out there
- Because I've seen it for myself
- There's only so much this town can offer
- And I'm not saying that's so bad
- But I know there's more that's out there
- 'Cause it's a life that I once had
- [Sci-Twi]
- Beyond these rooms, beyond these walls
- So much to learn, I can't see it all
- [Sunset Shimmer]
- This town is home, this school is safe
- But how can I be home and still feel out of place?
- [Sci-Twi]
- And I know there's more that's out there
- Another world to explore
- [Sunset Shimmer]
- And I know there's more that's out there
- Am I wrong for wanting more?
- [Sci-Twi i Sunset Shimmer]
- And I can't wait for it to happen
- But what it is I cannot say
- I just know there's more that's out there
- And it's calling out my name
- And I'm searching for the answer
- 'Cause I feel I've lost my way
- I may not know what's really out there
- But I'll find out someday!
- I'll find out someday...